Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Baby You're A Rich Man: Charleston, SC

With its prim palmettos and old money mentality, Charleston is a city clinging to the antebellum world for dear life. Its Civil War wounds are still as fresh as the day the battles ended, which leaves the average tourist with a slightly awkward feeling. And while its memorials are less apologetic than we might like, Charleston remains one of the last, authentic time capsules of the Old South. It has some of the most stunning architecture and flora in the United States. Below is a photo essay, depicting our visit to Charleston. Enjoy!

The home of 7th U.S. Vice President John C. Calhoun. His mansion is still the largest home in Charleston.

A fancy way of saying "Get the hell out of here!"

Circular Congregational Church in downtown Charleston.
We went on a nighttime ghost tour. This alley used to hold duels and bullet holes can still be found in the bricks. I SWEAR that orb in the back is a ghost!

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